The Hidden World of Wildlife in Your Seasoned Log Pile



As the chill of winter settles in, many of us turn to our trusty wood burners for warmth and comfort. Beyond the crackling flames and cosy ambience, there’s a hidden world of biodiversity thriving in seasoned log piles right in our midst. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating array of wildlife that calls these log piles home, showcasing the ecological importance of this often-overlooked feature in our gardens.

wood lice

The Microcosm of Woodlice and Beetles:

At the heart of seasoned log piles lies a bustling community of woodlice, small crustaceans that play a pivotal role in breaking down dead plant material. Joining them are an array of beetles, from ground beetles to longhorn beetles, contributing to the decomposition process and forming a critical link in the woodland ecosystem.


Centipedes, Millipedes, and the Decomposition Dance:

Explore the damp and decaying wood, and you’ll encounter centipedes and millipedes, arthropods with a penchant for breaking down organic matter. Their role in the decomposition dance not only aids in recycling nutrients but also sustains a delicate balance within the ecosystem.

Fungi on log

Fungal Kingdom Flourishing:

Look closer, and you’ll discover a mesmerizing array of fungi colonizing the seasoned logs. From majestic mushrooms to intricate moulds, these fungi play a crucial role in the decomposition process, enriching the soil and providing a habitat for a myriad of microorganisms.

wren bird

Avian Haven and Amphibian Abode:

Above the ground, seasoned log piles offer shelter and foraging opportunities for a variety of birds. Wrens, in particular, find these log piles to be ideal nesting sites, while small amphibians like frogs and toads seek refuge in the moist environment beneath the logs. Watch out for the snakes and slowworms, too, they may find a quiet corner to call home.


Mammalian Hideaways:

Delving into the intricate gaps between logs, one may stumble upon nests and hideaways of small mammals. Mice, shrews, and hedgehogs seek shelter within the log pile’s labyrinth, offering them protection from predators and a cosy space for raising their young.

Spider web on logs

The Web-Weaving World of Spiders:

Among the logs, the delicate and intricate world of spiders unfolds. Various spider species weave their webs, capturing insects attracted to the decomposing wood. This interplay of predator and prey contributes to the overall balance of the log pile ecosystem.

What animals have you had in your log pile? Share your picture on our Facebook group! –

As you stoke the fire in your wood burner, take a moment to appreciate the rich biodiversity that seasoned log piles bring to your garden. From woodlice to birds, fungi to mammals, these log piles offer a haven for diverse wildlife. By understanding and respecting the delicate ecosystem within our log piles, we can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, making our wood-burning experience not only warm but also environmentally enriching. So, the next time you add logs to your wood burner, remember that you’re not just fueling a fire; you’re nurturing a thriving ecosystem right in your garden!

Check out our favourite log pile stores if you are looking to upgrade your store this year! Treat the bugs to a shiny new store!

Chez Bower
Chez Bower
Chez has been a wood burner owner for the last 20+ years, with an extensive knowledge within the industry. From working as a tree surgeon for 25 years to now enjoying life as a writer/content creator within the fire wood, gardening and log stove industry.

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